Safeguarding poster Afraid to go home

Church Of England


Afraid to go home?


If you are being hurt by someone in your family, are afraid of someone at home or are in a violent relationship you can to speak privately to our Domestic Violence Contact Person:

Margaret Howie Safeguarding Coordinator St Thomas Church

Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser on

07342 993844

you can call any of these helplines to get advice:

Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid:                      0800 800 0028

West Mercia Women’s Aid:                                      0800 980 3331

Staffordshire Women’s Aid:                                      0870 2700 123

Black Country Women’s Aid:                                    0121 552 6448

Domestic Violence Helpline:                                     0808 2000 247

Men’s Domestic Violence:                                         0808 801 0327

LGBT Domestic Violence:                                           0300 999 5428

Action on Elder Abuse:                                              0800 808 8141

Emergency Injunction Support:                                0844 8044 999